Abheeshu Prem Cranio & Rebalancing

What is Rebalancing?

Rebalancing is a form of body-oriented awareness-work which helps people to come back to harmony with themselves, so they can live their intrinsic unity of body, mind and heart. Abheeshu works with deep connective-tissue massage, joint-release, craniosacral balancing- craniosacral biodynamic breath-work, body awareness- and movement education, as well as with emotions and their expression. While the body frees itself from muscular rigidity and begins to relax, energy is released.

Simultaneously we become aware of our old emotional holding- patterns, mental attitudes and habits. This released energy supports us in our process to more self-understanding and helps us to discover our hidden potential. We come in touch with our essence and enables us to meet in a more spontaneous.

The essence of the work is loving, sensitive touch. Bodywork is one of the most subtle arts and not just a matter of technique- rather an expression of love. considers the body as a gift of immense value, not as a mechanism to be put right. A full treatment consists of a series of 10 to 20 sessions and pays respect to the unique background of the individual, his/ her needs and challenges of the actual life-situation.